As I reflect on 2014 I can honestly say, “2014 you were awesome and you were beastly. Meaning, 2014, we had great fun AND you challenged the hell out of me, in a good way.
Life sure was full this year. Not only for me but for many of my family members and beloved clients as well. I had many conversations people who were let go from their jobs. Several who had mothers, fathers and significant others who passed away. Gas leaks that turned into major unexpected house renovations. Relationships that were pushed to levels of disaster.
This year made me stronger. This year made me clearer. This year asked me to evolve. And this year I did also have a blast!
Looking back on moments and events of 2014, I can say without a doubt, my yoga practice brought me through and through again and again.
For all of us, life happens and &%$* hits the fan. We are human. At some point, as one of my mentors Gabrielle Berstein often says, “Shift Happens.”
And when Shift Happens, you will feel beyond grateful you have a consistent mind/body/spirit practice.
Like many of you, I continually strive to become prosperous in all aspects of my life. My health, relationships and career. Done are the belief systems that tell us otherwise.
Invite the mindset that YOU can have your cake and eat it too!
Of course we have to be active participants in the change. Sometimes the change happens quickly, sometimes change happens over time.
Practicing yoga and meditating throughout 2014 were proven techniques that helped me create forward movement in my life.
There were many good times. I traveled, attracted awesome clients and had quality time with my family around the world.
Yet when the %^&$ hit the fan, I was thankful I allowed the shift to happen too.
The most growth came from working through GUILT, FEAR and CONFUSION. Let your mess be your mentor!
1. Guilt– This past year the feeling of guilt came up mostly when dealing with a family member who was dieing. Did I spend enough time with her? Was I my best self with her? As I created healthy boundaries, were the boundaries too thick? I looked back at all the things I could have done differently as her physical body diminished before my eyes.
I literally started freaking out and lost nights of sleep. One morning I wrote an email dripping with guilt to my coach. I wrote, “I could have done this, I should have done that, whats wrong with me…”
I immediately meditated for 20 minutes, I wrote in my journal and I practiced yoga. In less than an hour my energy completely shifted. I was able to view things from a different perspective. Years ago, guilt would have ruled!
I knew better than to wake up and write an email before meditation. Clearly I needed another lesson. From that point forward I forgave my ego for getting in the way at times. I also celebrated how much I did show up for this family member.
The feeling of guilt does not serve us well. According to certain yoga texts, guilt is stored in the sacral chakra, just below the naval. Practice core strengtheners such as Boat Pose to help stabilize your emotions.
2. Fear. Yikes, fear came up as I invested in myself this big time this year. Investing in myself served me well however, the fear of what ifs was debilitating.
I dug deep and bought a new car! I went on two Shadow Yoga retreats in Northern California. I also hired a business coach.
With my business, I had the feeling where do I go from here? I was so scared to pay for the coaching program. I thought to myself, “This investment is a lot of yoga classes!”
What if it doesn’t work? What if I don’t stay on top of my homework? What if the info is over my head?
I knew deep down I needed further guidance. I actually cried and cried as I talked to my coach about signing up for the program. I was raw. I was cracked wide open.
My gut told me, “This is going to be one of the best investments of your life. Your career is evolving. You are ready AND you need assistance. You cannot do this alone. Just as people come to you for and wellness advice, you need assistance too.”
I handed it all over to my inner voice and a higher power. How do I connect to my inner voice and a higher power? You got it, yoga, meditation and journaling.
Fear tends to hide itself in our hips. To release fear practice hip openers such as Malasana.
3. Confusion– As an individual who generally likes most things. It is often difficult for me to choose what to do. In the past (I am not claiming it now), staying in the same place for too long was a thorn in my side. Spending time in confusion is such an unnecessary waste of energy.
For example, I was unsure of whether to keep teaching certain yoga classes or give them up. I had many sacred conversations with my clients. From our talks I began developing yoga workshops and programs for their specific needs.
I was weary, do I keep what is working or do I step out of my comfort zone in hopes to help my clients in a bigger way?
At these times I had to ask myself better questions. “What is in the BEST interest of my soul’s purpose?” What is going to give me forward movement? “What is going to be in service for myself and those around me?”
Marriane Williamson, one of my spiritual teacher’s said the most brilliant words on a Super Soul Sunday episode. Oprah asked Marriane was losing her political race worth the risk. Marriane responded, “To me the risk is in standing still. The risk is in imitating yourself.”
That was all I needed to hear. It was like a high five to my new offerings.
The body part that tends to store confusion is in our calves. Most forward folds stretch the backs of the legs, including the calf muscles.
Moving our bodies consciously and stilling our minds are the best ways to become open, to build strength and center ourselves. I know this is how you want to enter 2015.
Have you meditated today? Have you practiced yoga? There is no time like the present.
Happy New Year!
Yoga Tip
As we commit to living more from our DREAM Life, peeling away the layers of emotional and physical drama can scare the bejesus out of us. In time we have to shed those old habits that do not serve us well. Creating new habits will help us take inspired action in the New Year.
Photo Credits- Photos taken by Dominique Brown, google images-,
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